TERMS & CONDITIONS OF HIRE (updated 1st April 2021)
All bookings accepted by the Council are subject to these Terms and Conditions unless otherwise agreed in writing.
All hire is at the discretion of Welwyn Parish Council and its authorised officers. The Clerk will reserve the right to refuse a booking.
All bookings are to be made by submitting a completed booking form (by post or email) and paying the hire charge to Welwyn Parish Council once an invoice has been generated. No booking is considered as confirmed until this has been done. Regular hirers will be invoiced by arrangement with the Office Administrator. All hirers are required to pay for bookings in advance of hire.
All booking enquiries via the “Welwyn Halls” website are held for 2 weeks at the discretion of the Office Administrator. If confirmation via a booking form is not received within this period, the Office Administrator reserves the right to cancel the enquiry.
A refundable damage deposit fee will be payable at the time of making the booking for all hire. The amount will be confirmed by the Office Administrator and refund will be subject to the following; additional time for setting up and/or clearing away, damages and any additional cleaning.
The hirer must be aged 18 or over.
The hire time booked by the hirer must be adhered to and should include time allowed for setting up, cleaning and vacating the venue.
The hirer is responsible for being in charge of the premises during the hire period, including emergency evacuation procedures, responsibility for unauthorised access, any damage caused and the security of the building.
The hirer must only be in the venue for the hours paid for – other hirers may be booked into the venue after your hire and the hirer is only insured for the hours invoiced for.
The hirer will ensure that the number of people using each room/venue does not exceed that permitted.
In relation to the Civic Centre and Whitehill Centre, the hirer will ensure that the purpose and conduct of the agreed hire does not disrupt the use of any other room hired by others.
Sub-letting is not permitted.
No animals (except guide dogs) are allowed in any Council venues.
Smoking is NOT permitted in any of our venues (including the use of e-cigarettes).
Hirers that use the Council’s facilities do so at their own risk and are responsible for meeting all food and hygiene regulations.
Any electrical appliances brought into Council venues and used shall be certified safe and in good working order, using residual current circuit breakers where appropriate.
The use of LPG appliances or other flammable substances are strictly PROHIBITED.
Welwyn Parish Council will not accept liability for any loss or damage to property brought into or left at Council venues in connection with any hiring.
All Council venues should be left clean, tidy, rubbish removed and suitable for the next hirer. Any necessary additional cleaning will be charged.
All tables, chairs and other equipment used by the hirer must be replaced as found in their storage area.
During the hire period the hirer shall not interfere with any electrical installations, nor drive any nails or pins into walls or woodwork, nor use sticky tape or other materials on surfaces which could possibly be damaged by such use.
The hirer shall not use the venue or allow the venue to be used for any unlawful purpose or any unlawful way, or do anything in the venue that would render invalid any insurance policies in respect to the venue.
The hirer shall ensure that users do not contravene law in relation to gaming, betting and lotteries compliance.
The use of smoking machines or any form of pyrotechnics is strictly PROHIBITED either inside or outside the building.
Under the Children’s Act 1989 and safeguarding procedures, the hirer is responsible for safeguarding procedures in relation to hire involving anyone under the age of 18 children and vulnerable adults.
The hirer is required to familiarise themselves with the Emergency Evacuation Plan document, in the blue plastic leaflet holder located in the entrance areas of the Civic Centre and Whitehill centre, and in the main hall of the Pavilion. Hirers must ensure that all fire exits, passages and doors are kept free and unobstructed during the hire period. All venues display fire evacuation procedures.
The hirer must report all accidents involving injury or damage to the Office Administrator as soon as possible and to record any accidents in the “Accident Book” located in the kitchen of each venue. Any failure of equipment must also be reported as soon as possible.
Hirers at the Civic Centre are to comply with the Public Entertainment License and ensure that any music ceases at 11.30pm.
The sale of alcohol is permitted at the Civic Centre only. Please contact the Office Administrator directly for more information.
Hirers are to note that Council venues are in residential areas. The hirer should ensure that noise is kept to a minimum. A complaint in relation to noise or anti-social behaviour will be treated as a breach of the hiring agreement and will lead to the loss of the hirers deposit, and cancellation of future bookings without refund and refusal of future bookings.
Cancellations: all cancellations must be confirmed in writing to the Bookings Clerk (either by post or email) and a cancellation fee applied as follows:
cancellation with 28 days plus notice, administration fee of £25;
cancellations with 15 days plus notice, 50% of the total hire charge,
cancellation with 14 days or less notice 75% of the total hire charge.
Welwyn Parish Council reserves the right to cancel any letting at any time and in such cases fees paid shall be refunded to the hirer. The Council shall not be liable to pay any compensation to any person in respect of the cancellation.
Hire charges are reviewed annually with changes being applied with effect from 1st April. The Council reserves the right to amend charges and these conditions at any time.